Every Body

This one goes out to any body

That envies another

The smile of a girl

Or the muscles of another

Many of us have that hungering

Over that which we do not own

Millions of us want change

And because of this some of us feel alone

I like how I look

I am most of the man I want to be

But like many other bodies

There are parts that I just don’t want to see

But when someone real person

My flaws gain no detection

When someone sees the real person

They see my perfect imperfections

I have friends who admire my style

Strength to rival any task

Hair that girls have told me would kill for

Thinking on this I have to ask

Can we not love ourselves

Like someone would day and night

We all want so many things but we’re also wanted

We can see but we don’t have the gift of sight

If you hate your hands

Someone love your size

If you hate your physique

Someone loves your thighs

We all want so many things

When all we should want is new eyes

Ones that bring a pretty smile to the mirror because

That’s how you become the envy of girls and guys

Walking like you know exactly what beauty is

And where it lies

One thought on “Every Body

  1. This is a short explanation of the story behind the poem above. It isn’t necessary to read this part, but if you’re curious about where this piece came from, you are welcome to read on.

    Every Body came about when I was listening to Creep by Radiohead, Lyrics that really struck me were “I wish I was special. You’re so fucking special”. I felt that if people were saying that to each other, does that make us all special in ways maybe we can’t see?

    The video makes me cringe in embarrassment.


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